A pension fund dedicated to Municipal Employees

The primary objective of this Fund is to service the retirement needs of the previously disadvantaged employees within local Government so as to provide the most favourable retirement benefits to employees.

Municipal Employees Pension Fund

This webpage covers certain aspects of general interest and also provides a review of the most important benefits of the fund. This webpage does not replace the official Rules of the Fund. The Rules of the Fund, financial statements and actuarial valuation reports are available on request.



By Member

By Council










Early Retirement Age 55:

Lump Sum equal to 1/3 of total benefit
PLUS: Monthly Pension for life

Normal Retirmement Age 65:

Lump Sum (1/3 of total benefit)
PLUS: Monthly Pension for life


13th Cheque every November and Annual Increase

Collateral Guarantees:
  • In terms of section 19(5) of the PFA of 1956, as amended.
  • Pension Backed Housing Loan available.
  • Maximum repayment period 20 years OR 64 years
  • Interest Rate: Prime rate
  • For members own property only


After Care Services:
  • Benefit Statement
  • Newsletter
  • Council Visits
  • General Meetings
  • Tracing of Beneficiaries
  • Pensioner Correspondence
Death Benefits (Pensioner):

Monthly pension spouse : = 50% of pensioner's monthly pension before death.



Resignation Benefits








Ill Health Benefits






Lump Sum Only: The greater of 1.5 x TotalMember's Contributions OR Minimum Benefit calculated by the actuary



Less than 10 years Service: 3 X Annual Salary (Lump Sum Only)



Lump Sum Only: The greater of 1.2 x TotalMember's Contributions OR Minimum Benefit calculated by the actuary



Less than 10 years Service: 2 X Annual Salary (Lump Sum Only)



Lump Sum Only: The greater of 1.1 x TotalMember's Contributions OR Minimum Benefit calculated by the actuary



Less than 10 years Service: 1.5 X Annual Salary (Lump Sum Only)



Death Benefits (member)







Leaving Spouse and/or Minor children - Lump sum equals (3) three times annual salary




Leaving Spouse and/or Minor children - Lump sum equals (2) two times annual salary




Leaving Spouse and/or Minor children - Lump sum equals (1.5) one and a half times annual salary



PLUS   Spouse and children monthly pension calculated at possible service
Leaving no Spouse and/or Minor children - Lump sum=the greater of once (1) annual salary or Twice the members contribution ONLY
Funeral Benefits
Member/Pensioner                                                                              R40000
Spouse                                                                                                        R40000
Children 14- 21 years                                                                         R25000
Children 6 - 14 years                                                                           R25000
Children 1- 6 years                                                                               R10000
Children younger than 1 including stillborn (26 weeks)  R10000 
Extended Funeral Cover: R25 000
You may add a maximum of four (4) additional adults to be covered, members parents and parents in-law only. A six (6) months waiting period applies for the 4 additional adults covered’